Thursday, November 13, 2008

No Baby Yet...

Next Friday just can't come soon enough!! Every night I say " I hope tonight's the night", but of course it doesn't happen. I think I'm driving myself crazy because I have to make sure that the house is perfectly spotless and that all of the laundry is done and put away just in case, it's not easy to keep a spotless house with two little kids running around. It's a good thing that I'm addicted to Comet (the bleach cleaner) I absolutely crave the smell of it, so I clean everything like a mad woman just so i can smell that yummy bleachy smell :) Anyway, I'll keep everyone posted.... maybe tonight's the night ;)
Otherwise, we'll be at the hospital bright and early next friday morning for surgery. I can't wait to show everyone pictures!


M&M said...

I was completely that way with my last one, Caleb. I would clean the house every day! Good luck, and I am excited to see the pics of the new addition! We will have to come up and visit soon.

Kristen said...

I'll cross my fingers for you...this is definately one of those low points of life that us women go through...then we dont even get it over with, we have to spend weeks and months healing and getting ourselves back together...Good Luck!
On a more positive note, those babies are so sweet! (I didnt' want to pour salt on the wounds)

Jen said...

I love you Becky, we are so much alike! It will happen soon I know it.

the Roberson family said...

I'm counting down the days too.. I can't wait to see little Anna. Hang in there!

Our Fondaco Family said...

I am way excited for you!!! There's only a few days left!! BTW- did Hailey tell you I came to visit her classroom one day about a week ago? It was fun!!!
I hope these next few days go by really fast for you!!!!
Love, kd