Wednesday, April 15, 2009


We woke up Easter morning to find that the "Bunny" had filled our baskets and hid eggs around the house. The kids had so much fun finding them. Then we had another egg hunt at Nana's house with a yummy french toast breakfast. At Steve's parents house we had another egg hunt, Katie had her own pink eggs that were peanut free (thanks grandma and grandpa). After we emptied out all of the eggs, it was time for the annual egg fight. Steve and his brother Scott pelted the kids with eggs as they ran around the yard laughing and screaming. It was a lot of fun.


The Hunters! said...

That is so cute!! I'm glad you guys had a good day!! The girls are darling!

the Roberson family said...

We had a blast with you guys! Thanks for the fun (and the yummy dessert!)

Angie said...

You and your girls are so cute! I am adding you to my buddies list so I can keep up! Moab will be a blast-

Carlye Momma said...

HOW CUTE ARE YOU GUYS??? Looks like you guys had a blast! We do the easter basket hunt too. LOVE IT! Your babies are absolutely breathtaking! You must be SO proud!