Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What's on my mind....

I thought it would be fun to write about the different things going on in my head while I sit here on my bed looking out at the snowy day. (Inspired by Lindsey)

*I love it when my baby takes a long nap, it's a great break for mommy.

*I'm so glad to be done with all of the Girl Scout cookie stuff, that was a pain.

*Anna is starting to talk so much, but I think only I understand it.

* I sure wish I could breath normally, my asthma is kicking my butt these days. I can't afford the prescription refill right now and don't want to ask for more free samples, I think I've had my share of free samples.

* I love to stare at my kids pictures, they are so beautiful. I can't believe they came from me.

* I have mixed feelings about turning 30. On one hand I feel old, and the other, I'm in the best shape physically and mentally of my life. So I should be ok with it... right?

*I can't believe I'm going to run a half marathon in a couple of weeks. That blows my mind. I never thought that I would be able to be that person, to reach my potential. I'm usually a side line sitter, I watch everyone else become who they want while I cheer them on. Now it's my turn. Now if I can just figure out whats wrong with my knee.

* I think alot about the fact the fact that we are done having kids. I will miss the excitement of meeting my baby for the first time. Nothing compares to it. It sometimes makes me sad, but I know it's for the best. It'll be time soon to sell off all of our baby stuff. :(

* I'm so proud of my husband. He works so hard for us, and does'nt complain. He is going to be an amazing paramedic. I have no doubts in my mind that he will save many lives in the future. I love it when he needs me to pretend to be the patient and he goes through all of the steps he would take, it almost chokes me up with pride that my man is so amazing!

*I have the best friends in my life. I'm learning everyday what it means to be a good friend because I have great examples. I hope that my friends see me as a person of strength in their lives, because I know I've needed them for strength a time or two.

*I'm so happy that we decided to take Dave Ramsey's class. The past 10 years neither one of us knew how to budget our money. Now we actually have a grasp on things. We will do great with the info and hopefully in a few years we'll be a success story too.

*Speaking of 10 years, I can't believe we've been married nearly 10 years! We were just so young when we met and married, I'm still amazed that at 19 years old I had the ability to spot my soul mate. I'm sure it's part of a larger plan, it just has to be.

*Ok, Anna's calling to me from her crib, nap time's over. Guess I'd better get going. :)


Lindsey said...

I love it Becky, so fun to know what's on your mind! I think it's so neat that you are running the half. Such an accomplishment. You guys are awesome.

The Hunters! said...

That was an awesome post Becky!! Thanks so much for sharing! Love you!

Our Fondaco Family said...

What a great post, Beck! Love it! Thanks for sharing it!

Carlye Momma said...

I agree, fabulous post Beck. You'll be so fantastic at the half! My knee is hating me too dude. Not a fan of that at all. You're a wonderful person girl. I hope you know that. You have a very sweet spirit, and your family is AWESOME! Miss ya mama!