Tuesday, February 10, 2009

About Me...

I've been tagged... I'm supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about me. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged. If I tagged you it's because I want to know more about you!

1. I love eggs, I eat them every day!
2. I hate laundry, but I do it anyway (half-heartedly)
3. I used to love scary movies, but I've turned in to a wimp and can't even watch a commercial about a scary movie anymore.
4. I used to love Nyquil, some might say I was addicted to it.
5. A good brownie makes me happy!
6. I love being a mom
7. I'm excited to have a house full of girls
8. I love to tease Steve
9. I like to watch The Ultimate Fighter with him, then practice the moves on him (or I should say, I get my but kicked by the arm bar)
10. I'm extremely shy... Steve says I'm terminally shy
11. I think the older I get, the more comfortable with myself I'm becoming, so hopefully in another 28 years I won't be shy at all.
12. I love to bake!! I love it even more when the people I bake for love my food!
13. I'm learning to like green peppers (trying to anyway)
14. I am determined to finish school, probably just so I can say I did it.
15. I find that I'm becoming more and more of a spiritual person, and less and less of a religious person (if that makes sense)
16. I want everyone to like me, if they don't I can't rest until I know why.
17. I feel like I married my very best friend, and I know I'm lucky because we were so young when we decided to get married... who knew that it would turn out to be the best decision I'd ever made!
18. I love cute shoes
19. The first car I ever bought was a little black civic, it was so cute.
20. My first job was as a busser at Frontier Pies, that only lasted two weeks because I was too shy to ask the servers for my share of the tips. Needless to say I would go home empty handed.
21. I think that I have made some really great friends, and I'm lucky to have them in my life.
22. I love to have things clean, but don't like cleaning.
23. I'm paranoid... I think about diying way too much. I think about every possible scenario of someone breaking into my house while Steve's at work and plan escape routes for me and the kids... weird huh...
24. I've been to Key West, the Bahamas, Grand Caymen, Hawaii, Jamaica, and several places in Mexico, thanks to my mom.
25. And last but not least, I dream of living in this house (hopefully remodeled) forever. My favorite thing in the whole world is to sit on my porch swing in the summer and watch the kids play in the yard. I want to still be sitting on that swing with Steve when we're old and gray.

I tag anyone who wants to do it, It's kinda fun.


The Hunters! said...

It was fun!! I enjoyed it, I'm glad you. I think that you've gotten alot less shy these past few years! Your doing fine!
PS. I totally agree with the laundry part, I've been doing it all day!

Our Fondaco Family said...

Well, I believe that Enrollment for people currently im Preschool begins the week of March 16th... so I bet you could call Debi that week!! And- If you want Katie to be in my class I'm sure you could request it... also, I now teach in the afternoon too! The only problem that would arise is that my 3's are only the Tues/Thurs Am or Pm class! Whatever you decide- at least we'll be able to chat when you are there!!! I loved the 25 things about you! Some I knew, and some I'm glad to know now!!!
Maybe I'll get to that tag... someday...!

the Roberson family said...

Becky-- you are seriously SO CUTE! I loved reading about you because I didn't know so many of those things.. I guess I need to be a better friend. I think you and Steve are so great together and I'm glad you are going to have a house full of girls..someone needs to! Thanks for sharing!! love, ali

Ben and Sandee said...

Becky I throughly enjoyed reading about you! You are one fantastically funny girl. I love that you will watch UFC and try out the moves. Maybe someday we could get a show?
Thanks for sharing some of your quirks. Steve is lucky you are such a great wife, and I am lucky to have you as a sister.