Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2 Months Old

It's hard to believe that two months have already passed, it's crazy! She is getting so big. We had her doctor appt last week and she weighed 11 lbs 12 oz and was 23 1/2 in long. She is becoming so interested in her surroundings, she loves to smile. My favorite thing is when she first wakes up in the morning and has the biggest smiles on her face... it's ADORABLE! She is doing really well in the sleep department, The past week or so she's been going to bed about 8:30 and not waking up to eat until about 4:00, I feel normal again, somewhat.


The Hunters! said...

She is sooo stinkin cute! She's like a total mix between Hailey and Katelyn! She looks like both of them!

Ben and Sandee said...

She's adorable! I can't belive it's already been two months! Hopefully we'll get to see her soon.

Stephanie said...

Anna is adorable! Those Pictures are so cute with her big smiles.