Saturday, February 26, 2011

Spring Fever...

Oh Spring, please come quickly!
I'm sitting on my bed looking out the window at all of the snow in my yard, and I'm just thinking about all of the fun things that I'm looking forward to with Spring.
1. Running outside without having to wear gloves, hats, scarves,ear warmers.... ugh.
2. I can't wait to go camping! I'm on countdown to April 21st, our first camping trip for the year.
3. I just want to sit on my porch swing.
4. I can't wait to send the kids outside to play.
5. I can't wait to picnic. Any day, Anywhere, I'll be there with a picnic :)

I think my list could go on and on... but it's making me too depressed.


Carlye Momma said...

I feel ya mama. PLEASE let it come quickly. I'm sick of being cold and stuck inside.

the Roberson family said...

How is it possible that someone as cute and fun as you who LIKES to go camping has all girls.. when I have no desire to camp..and have all boys who want to go camping! It figures :) I am excited for spring too. It can't come soon enough!